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About Oswald

A Brief History

Oswald Drawdy is a PGA member and has been instructing since 1998. He is the founder and CEO of Accelerized Golf as well as the developer and patentee of Accelerized Golf's Hotlines technology. Oswald has been intricately involved in each of the 20+ Accelerized Golf facilities. He developed the Accelerized instructor training program and has trained over 40 certified Accelerized instructors. As an instructor, he has worked with a number of PGA Tour players including Charles Howell and Craig Perks. Oswald's competitive career included events on the PGA Tour including the 1993 US Open, the Tour, South African Tour, Asian Tour and Canadian Tour. Oswald is a graduate of Clemson University and was both a three-time All-American and three-time Academic All-American.




Some things about Tim: 
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